Amazing Pranks To Pull on Friends and Family On April Fools Day.

Amazing Pranks To Pull on Friends and Family On April Fools Day.
Today take revenge at home, at the office or out with friends on this day that is socially acceptable to do so with these ideas for April Fools pranks.

Remember that doing any of the following pranks maybe after midday today is against the rules of the game, but again who cares, it April 1st still.

||READ: What You Didn't Know About April Fools Day Origin.

If you're not sure a colleague will see the funny side, it's probably best not to bother because the prank might turn back at you.

If you lose your job, spouse or get kicked out of the house kindly don't blame The Africa Post  for the mess.

1. Oreo Toothpaste.
2. Attach an air horn to the toilet wall. Thats soo evil right...haha
3. Make them believe their phone screen cracked by installing one of those cracked screensaver apps on their phone.
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