Amherst University where HE. Uhuru Kenyatta was awarded a Bachelor's degree speaks up

KENYA: President Uhuru Kenyatta has recently been on a rant, something that has given his opposers sleepless nights.

Amherst University where HE. Uhuru Kenyatta was awarded a Bachelor's degree speaks up

Kenyans don't give up easily, Some identified persons yesterday March 29th went ahead and requested to verify if its actually true that Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta was awarded a degree at Amherst College in 1985.

All the information requested at a fee of $14.95 was provided and without any doubt the President was a student from February 2nd 1982 to April 13th 1985.

Here's a photo of the document African Post managed to get;
Amherst University Uhuru kenyatta degree verification document

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