CORD Leader Raila Odinga Lectures CORD Officials.

CORD Leader Raila Odinga Lectures CORD Officials.
KENYA: CORD leader Raila Odinga Lectures CORD Officials Over the Manner in Which the Okoa Kenya Referendum Collapsed.

Raila was alerted of the serious mistakes in the signature collection process thus making him vexed about the process in which Okoa Kenya organizers carried out the process.

Despite believing that the Jubilee government still tried its best to kill the referendum, he was well aware of the grave mistakes committed.

||READ: Kenyan Cord Leader Raila Odinga Falls on Stage While Rebuking "Devil" in Kilifi Rally.

Our sources revealed to us that the CORD leader held a crisis meeting once the IEBC announced the Okoa Kenya failure and asked for a swift report over the debacle.
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