Difference Between Being Cute and Séxy

Difference Between Being Cute and Séxy
Ever wondered what's the difference between being cute and sexy about a girl? We’ve got your answers, straight from men’s mouths!

Whether it’s body type, actions, personality quirks, or speaking patterns, men tend to categorize women in one of two ways: cute or sexy. But what do these phrases actually mean? Does cute refer to the way a girl looks, or the way she acts? If your crush says you’re cute, does that mean you’ve been friend-zoned? If you’re sexy, does that mean you come off as easy or intimidating?

Lets get down to business and ask our favorite fellas what’s the deal with calling girls cute or sexy, and what it “actually” means.

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We’re narrowing down what makes a girl cute, with opinions from some of our favorite men.

1. Being playful. “By far the biggest difference in a girl being sexy compared to cute is how playful she is. Being playful is… well, it’s just cute. The cute girl is playful. This is where inside jokes are made, where stupid nicknames live, and where many a laughs are made. I want a cute girl who tries to have tickle fights, who isn’t afraid to play soccer, and who wants to kick back and play video games."

2. She loves being a girl. “This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s cute when a girl likes being girly. Girls are cute when they love pink stuff, keep stuffed animals for sentimental reasons, and keep little journals. There’s something so old-school adorable about these things in a girlfriend.”

3. Innocence. “I think it’s cute when girls are just, innocent. Not like ‘Teach me how to give a BJ’ innocent, but they like what they like, they don’t make crude jokes, and they don’t have shady motives behind what they do. Now that’s cute. Hell, that’s perfect!”

4. Friendly, not intimidating. “One of the reasons us regular guys don’t tend to go for the sexiest girl in the room is because she’s way too intimidating! Plus, hot girls are a total hassle because you’re always wondering who else is going after her. Cute girls, on the other hand, have this awesome, outgoing personality that makes you feel totally comfortable. Love that.”

5. Giggling with a sense of humor. “When a girl can be funny and knows how to laugh with a hard, belly laugh. That’s adorable. That’s what every guy wants for his girlfriend. Giggling is also cute. Giggling is pretty well the cutest laugh a girl can give.”

What makes a girl sexy? We’re asking men their thoughts on the top 5 items that make a woman super sexy.

1. Confidence. “Confidence is just… it’s just damn sexy. Women who know what they want are so sexy they almost intimidate the rest of us! Another plus, a girl who’s confident in life is confident in the bedroom, and that’s hot!”

2. Curves. “I don’t want to give the shallow answer, but a girl with curves is the complete physical package when it comes to what’s sexy about a girl. I don’t care if she’s a size 2 or a size 12, if she’s got curves then she’s got sex appeal.”

3. Passion. “I don’t care who you are or what you look like: Passion is sexy. Passion during sex, passion for a hobby, for music, passion in love. That’s hot, sexy, and absolute perfection when it comes to a woman.”

4. Intelligence. “Smart is sexy. That’s the mantra of my generation. I like a girl who reads, who’s knowledgeable, and who can teach me something with passion. Intelligence, about any subject, gives me a figurative and literal hard on. That’s sexy.”

5. Being self-sufficient. “Some men find that whole “Independent Woman” intimidating. I don’t. To me, there’s nothing sexier than a career woman who is self-sufficient. There’s just something enticing about her getting far on her own that has its own particular brand of sex appeal.”

Given the many opinions on the matter, does that mean a cute girl can’t have curves, or a sexy girl can’t be playful? Of course not! Women are multi-faceted creatures with much to appreciate!
Source [LovePanky]
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