Beliebers and Arianators Devastated After Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande Unfollowed Each Other On Twitter.

Last weekend the unthinkable happened to Beliebers and Arianators as Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande unfollowed each other on Twitter.

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Earlier on their music carrer, Its on record that the two pop stars were managed by Scooter Braun. According to Seventeen, it all started by Justin unfollowing Ariana and then Ariana unfollowed Justin.

But then, right when Jariana fans were about to give up hope, the pop stars followed each other back! WHAT IS GOING ON?! the Jariana fandom screamed in unison.

Currently, no one knows what the heck went down between the stars. Maybe Justin unfollowed Ariana by accident and she unfollowed him back in retaliation? Or maybe they both unfollowed each other on purpose but didn't anticipate the fan freakout, so they followed each other again just to calm fans' fears?

Chances are we'll never know. But hey! Jariana are following each other again and we can pretend that everything is right in the world.
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