Akothee Wedding was a Hoax, Here's the Real Truth

KENYA: Kenya's richest singer Akothee broke the internet with photos of her "Secret, lavish wedding ceremeny" that took place in South Africa. The truth is that it was not a wedding but a video shoot.

Akothee wedding was a hoax
Akothee managed to fool everyone by throwing in a 'just married' theme on her Instagram photos that were used by many bloggers to claim that she just got hitched.

About a month and a half ago, after hosting her friends to a lavish birthday party in Mombasa, the wealthy singer flew to Switzerland to join her fiancé. It was then that she revealed that she was expecting her sixth born. The singer looked sexy in dark Porsche design sunglasses worth Sh830,000.

Akothee, four months pregnant now, will be attending the much-hyped Luo Festival.

She had earlier alluded that her wedding with her boyfriend of many years, a foreigner, would be held in November.

SOURCE: SDE, The African Post
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