Be wary of Potato vendors along the Nairobi-Nakuru's what they sell you!

KENYA: A stunning revelation of how roadside vendors scam unsuspecting customers has left social media users in utter shock.

Potato vendors in Nakuru
The scam involves vendors of farm produce targetting motorists along the Nairobi-Nakuru highway. The vendors usually put on display bucketfuls of potatoes but a closer look inside reveals that the buckets are barely half full.

Pictures of how the potatoes are arranged to create a convincing illusion are doing the rounds on social media in a bid to warn motorists, especially travelling Nairobians who buy the produce in a hurry without alighting from their vehicles.

Check out more photos below;
Potato vendors in Nakuru

Potato vendors in Nakuru

Potato vendors in Nakuru

Potato vendors in Nakuru

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