Health Benefits of Egg Eating That You Didn't Know About.

Boiled Egg
Boiled Eggs.
Chicken eggs are one of the few foods I would classify as super-foods. If you are into eggs eating then be sure of getting more health boost that no other food can get close to. Its benefits comes from the yolk which contains over 90% of an egg’s calcium & iron and the white which contains almost half the egg’s protein. However, during pregnancy one needs to ensure that the eggs cook until the whites and yolks are solid. Boiled eggs make a quick snack when you are in a hurry. Adding some boiled eggs to your diet adds good fats to your body to keep your body healthy.

Many of us believe that eating eggs may be bad for your health but in this article i will outline some awesome reasons to justify why eating eggs can boost your health.

If you are not eating eggs regularly here are some of the reasons why you should;
  • Eggs are among the best dietary sources of choline which is a nutrient that is incredibly important but most people aren’t getting enough of it.
  • Eggs boost your weight loss. Reason behind this fact is that eggs keep you full for longer meaning you are less likely to succumb to a mid-morning snack or make a pig of yourself at lunchtime.
  • Although eggs contain cholesterol, it is dietary cholesterol which is different from the blood cholesterol in your body.
  • Eggs contain two nutrients called Lutein and Zeaxanthin, powerful antioxidants that tend to build up in the retina of the eye significantly reducing the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration which are a common eye disorders as consequences of ageing.
  • The eggs nutrient composition mostly varies depending on how the hens were fed and raised. Eggs from hens raised on pasture or Omega 3 enriched feeds tend to be much higher in Omega-3 fatty acids. The fatty acids are known to reduce blood levels of triglycerides (risk factor for heart disease).
  • Eggs contain high quality of proteins that make all sorts of tissues and molecules that serve both structural and functional purposes in or bodies.
  • Egg eating reduces the risk of breast cancer by 25%. The egg yolk contains 125.5 mg of choline which is about a 1/4 of the recommended daily intake, so eating 2 poached eggs for breakfast provides half your choline for the day.
Boiled Eggs.
Boiled Eggs.
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