20 Tips To Text a Lady That Will Make Her Want You.

20 Tips To Text a Lady That Will Make Her Want You.
Ever wondered what you have to say to a girl to make her like you? When it comes to impressing a girl, timing is everything. Unlike guys, girls rely a lot on emotions and feelings to fall for a guy. 

Guys fall for a girl at first glance as long as they find her attractive. But for a girl to like a guy, her feelings definitely play a bigger part than her eyes.

Lots of guys want to know how to make a girl like you over text. If you’re one of them, you’ve come to the right place.

According to LovePanky, If you want to learn the right way to text a girl, just use these 20 tips on how to text a girl you like and you’ll see how easy it really can be.

But remember to take your time and make your move only after watching her reciprocation.

1. Night time is the best time to text a girl. If the girl you like is comfortable with texting late into the night, you’ve already got the edge you need. Start by texting her late in the evening and look for ways to keep the conversation going when she slips into her bed. There’s something so sexy and romantic about a quiet night that’ll only work in your favor.

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2. The right time to text a girl. Avoid texting her or calling her up when you know she’s occupied or busy with her friends. She needs to feel excited to read your text, not get bugged because you’re constantly interfering with her happy time.

3. Pick a time to text her. Don’t text a girl you like all day long. If you know her routine, text her only when you know she’s free to text you back. Within a couple of days of texting her, you’d see that she’s warmer and indulges in longer text conversations at particular times of the day.

4. First text tip. If you want to know how to text a girl for the first time, don’t think too much of it. Just keep it casual and simple. “Hey! Just thought I’d say hi!” is simple and just one of several ways to initiate a first text with a girl you like. There’s never a wrong way to text a girl. It’s what you do after the first text that always matters.

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5. Guess her answers. Another way to have fun and keep your texts to girls interesting is to guess her answers. This is a great way to spice up your texts to girls, separate yourself from other guys, and ultimately get the girl interested in you.

6. Do not over-text. This is a big one as too much texting can destroy attraction with women. As a general rule, whoever is putting the most effort into the communication is the one doing the chasing. So if you want to have any shot of getting a girl to chase you, then you must not over-text. Instead, look to keep the text ratio close to 1:1 and text the girl about as frequently as she texts you.

7. Make fun of yourself. By making fun of yourself, you get her laughing and show that it’s okay for her to let her guard down. She’ll feel more comfortable with you, which will allow the woman to become more attracted to you.

8. Always start with a very short text. If you’ve been texting each other back and forth for a few days, you really don’t need to look for reasons to text her again, nor do you need long elaborate introductions.

9. Keep it short and simple. Try to keep the texts short if you want to keep the conversation going. Your focus is to get her to keep all her attention on you when she’s texting. And to do that, you need to keep the beeping texts going back and forth as soon as you can. Long texts can leave her bored when she’s waiting for you to respond. Or worse, she may occupy herself with the television or do something else that’ll leave her distracted while waiting for your text.

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10. Be interested in her and her daily life. Ask her about her day. Be interested in her life and let her know that you’re always interested in knowing more about her while texting each other. It’ll help her open up.

11. Give her a pet name. Pet names are very personal and unique. If you want the relationship to take the next step, you need to create a personal bond between both of you. And the best way to do just that is by giving her a pet name. Personalize the relationship both of you share and it’ll bring both of you closer.

12. Don’t flirt all the time. Even if she knows you like her already, avoid flirting with her on every single instance. It’ll just bore her if all you do is flirt with her. Text about everyday activities and let her see that you’re interested in knowing more about her and her life.

13. But flirt when you get the opportunity. Every now and then, you’d find the perfect opportunity to flirt with her. Wait for that moment and use it to tease her or pull her leg, especially when she makes a compliment about herself or talks about how good she is at doing something. A good excuse to challenge and flirt with her will always work in your favor.

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14. Get naughty now and then. But always be vague unless you already know what she wants to hear. You can play it safe or get naughty depending on the way she texts back.
You: “I wish I was with you right now”
She: “Yeah? Why?”
You: “For a lot of reasons I can’t say right now / You did say you’re in bed, right?”

15. Use emoticons. Unless the girl you’re texting specifically says she hates emoticons, make sure you leave a few kisses and a smile when you’re texting her goodbye. Even if she makes a big deal of it, you can always joke about it and say it was a goodbye kiss on her cheek!

16. Get dirty when you can. Border on dirty texts with her now and then, and watch how she responds. If she texts you and asks you what you’re doing, tell her that you were up to something naughty. Make her think of you in the nude or give her occasions to talk naughty. A good way to initiate a naughty conversation is by telling her that you just stepped out of the shower, or by telling her that you’re trying out a few new clothes you picked up last week at the mall.

17. Create personal memories. Always look for ways to create a bond between the both of you. Tell her about your favorite song, movie or place you like. Each time she comes across something you’ve talked about, give her a reason to think of you.

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18. Get mushy before saying goodbye. Compliment her appearance, her personality or say anything that makes her feel warm and fuzzy inside. But focus on these texts a few minutes before both of you say goodbye. If you want her to fall for you, she has to get sexually excited by you and then has to feel romantically attached to you. That’s the way love and infatuation works. By flirting with her, you’d be able to arouse her. And by talking about how special she is or by complimenting her for her personality at the end of your texting conversation, you can make her feel romantic. It’s the perfect balance to make a girl like you while texting her.

19. Tease her. Don’t be afraid to poke fun at the girl you’re texting in a playful, good-natured way. Not only does teasing a girl make her laugh, it shows that you’re not a boring guy. Teasing alone can show that you have confidence with women and therefore will help build attraction with women.

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20. Match her Vibe. The easiest way to keep any overly eager texting behavior in check is to always match a girl’s texting vibe. Example never use a lot of emoticons unless a girl uses them a lot in her texts to you. Or for example, never end a text with xoxo unless a girl does the same.
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