5 Key Signs That Shows Your Relationship Needs To End.

5 Key Signs That Shows Your Relationship Needs To End.
It’s pretty heartbreaking to call off a relationship especially a long one, People are scared to break up because of the validation that comes with being in a relationship.

If you have a fight with your partner but you can still look at them and love them, then that’s fine.

Speaking to news.com relationship expert Dr. Nikki Goldstein had 5 key points as shortlisted below.

1. A lack of commitment to working things out.
“Sometimes there is an obvious solution to a problem, but one or both people just can’t be bothered to put the effort in. If things aren’t going great, you either need to change them, or break up,” she said.

2. Constant fighting with no resolution.
“Fighting is healthy, but if you’re continually fighting about the same thing and you’re not getting anywhere, it’s time to reassess things,” she said.

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3. Withdrawing from the relationship.
“Have you or your partner checked out, either emotionally or physically? Often people say ‘I want to break up’ or they realise it’s not working but they just stay in the relationship anyway.”

4. A lack of affection.
“It’s when you get to the point when you’re just friends and you can’t kiss or hug. Well then be their friend, don’t be in a relationship.”

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5. You’ve stopped having s*x
“I don’t think we should be valuing our relationships based on how much s*x we have, but if you’re not having s*x then the passion has gone out of the relationship. “I’ve put that last because usually if these other things are happening, you’re not going to want to have s*x with that person. They usually go hand in hand,” she said.
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