Here are Top 10 Common Dreams That People Have and Their Meanings.

Here are Top 10 Common Dreams That People Have and Their Meanings.
You've probably experienced one of these dreams in your life, they focus on themes universal to most of us. By working with the inner messages in common dreams, you can maximize your confidence, creativity, and effectiveness in waking life.

1. Dreaming Naked in public!
You're going about your business and suddenly realize you're naked or in your underwear at work or at the grocery store. Exposure dreams bring to light the things you don't want others to know about you and places where you feel vulnerable. Suddenly everyone sees through you. Being naked in front of others also implies being caught off guard or being unprepared, uninformed, uneducated, or unpracticed.

2. A Monster Chasing you!
You're running, trying to outpace or outwit your pursuer, and he/she/it's gaining on you! Suddenly your legs are paralyzed! Chase dreams often represent fears of facing up to something you've judged negatively, like your own rage, shame, or irresponsibility, for example. Or, you may feel threatened by someone or by a possible failure. If you become paralyzed, you probably need to stand still and meet your pursuer to receive an important message. Or, you may be experiencing the normal "paralysis" that occurs in the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep state.

3. Dreaming being in your Childhood home, and it has new rooms.
Houses are symbols of the self, so returning to an old house means you are looking back at an old way of being, past habits, identities you've held, and outdated concepts you've been operating from. Perhaps you need to bring repressed memories to the surface to be healed. Trying to live in an old house that might be too small for you now, or seeing things that need repair, means you're becoming conscious of how much you've grown and what you're renovating in yourself. When your old house has new rooms, you've added new talents, experiences, people, and components to your life.

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4. Dreaming your teeth falling out!
Its time you got a new toothbrush and 5000ml toothpaste mate. Lol, just kidding. Heres the truth, If your teeth are dirty, diseased, disintegrating, or falling out in your dreams, you're probably worrying about how pleasing and attractive you are to others and to sexual and romantic partners. You may be afraid of getting old. Teeth also relate to self-expression and effective communication, so losing teeth can mean you're embarrassed about something you've said, or you're having trouble saying what you really mean.
The real essence of teeth is their ability to bite through, to cut, tear, and grind. As human animals, you retain a vestige of snarling — showing teeth as a "stay back" warning — in our disarming smile. If your teeth fall out, you lose personal power and your ability to be assertive, decisive, and self-protective.

5. Dreaming making love with a movie star!
S*x dreams are often about merging several aspects of yourself together, or loving a part of yourself you've judged or rejected. S*x with a celebrity can mean you want more visibility, self-worth, and recognition, or you are activating qualities in yourself represented by the famous person. S*x with an authority figure like a professor, doctor, or boss, can show how it feels to have greater power and knowledge so you can be more effective in the world. S*x with a foreigner or someone of another race might mean you are integrating the character traits of that culture or racial consciousness into your personality. S*x with someone of your own gender may simply show you how to better accept and love yourself.

6. Lost Wallet and Keys!
Dreams of loss point to areas where you are too attached to something; you are telling yourself, "Let go and see what comes next when you don't have it all locked down." Losing your wallet can indicate it's time to reexamine your identity. Losing your car may mean you need to look at your need for movement, freedom, and independence as you've defined it. Losing keys points to a fear of losing authority or access to an opportunity. Losing money can mean you're letting go of what's been valuable to you so you can revalue your core self.

7. Dreaming taking a test and didn't study!

You have an exam and can't find the room, you are late, or haven't studied. You're in a play and forgot your lines. Performance anxiety dreams point to areas in your life where you feel judged by others or unprepared for a challenge. You fear if you don't do well, you'll be rejected and ridiculed. If the setting is academic, you probably need to pay attention to new knowledge or to a lesson that's part of your personal growth process. If it's a play or a keynote lecture, you may be ready to express yourself more fully, to be more articulate and confident in the world.

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8. Found money or jewels in your dream?
Dreams about finding valuables operate on several levels. You may be awash in debt, fear that you'll never have enough, or that you'll lose what you have. You want to feel lucky, abundant, influential, and rich, so you try it out in your dreams. Under these worries often lurks a deeper fear that you don't deserve to be loved, supported, or cared for. Your deep self is showing you what it feels like to be blessed. Gaining money or valuables really means you're gaining in emotional well-being, confidence, and power. You may be preparing to increase your creativity and abundance level, to feel that having more is normal.

9. Dreaming having surgery on my eyes, brain, heart, or . . . !

Hospital and surgery dreams are often symbolic of a fundamental change you're making in the way you live, the way you work with energy and run your body, and how you construct your identity and world view. On rare occasions, they are warnings about actual health problems, or they indicate you're exhausted and need to rest and be cared for so you can shift to a new phase of self-expression. You may need to get something out of your system, change your habits, move to a new location, or release a person from your life.
 You may need to open yourself to emotional healing and new experiences. If you experience anesthesia in the dream, you're probably avoiding your feelings, worries, or responsibilities. If you're bleeding profusely in the dream or feel actual pain, you are telling your conscious mind that part of you feels out of control, severely drained, and mortally wounded by trauma or cruelty.

10. My car won't stop or go!

If you have done that and don't actually own a car, please seek some psychologist brother or sister you are sick. and very sick. Lol!
Going back to the main issue here: "Difficulty with your vehicle" dreams usually arise when events in your waking life seem out of control, you feel powerless over something, or are afraid you're about to fail or "crash." Your car is rolling backwards, the brakes won't work, you're trying to steer from the back seat, the tires are flat, the ignition doesn't catch. Vehicles are symbols for the way you move through experiences in your life. Cars, motorcycles, bicycles, buses, or trains represent physical experience and your body; boats signify emotional experience; planes connect you to mental experience; and rockets and UFOs represent spiritual levels.
Once you see what level of yourself you're focusing on, determine whether you are the driver or passenger. This shows how you feel about being able to direct your own life. Driving from the back seat means you need to step up and be more responsible. Someone else driving means you've given your authority away. Next, look at how the vehicle is functioning. Problems indicate problems you may have in real life. The steering or brakes don't work: you're going too fast and are about to make a big mistake. The tires on the right side are flat: you're afraid to move forward and take new actions. The starter won't work: you need to renew your motivation and passion.

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