If You and Your Best Friend Fall Under These Categories You Should Definitely Get Married.

If You and Your Best Friend Fall Under These Categories You Should Definitely Get Married.
The person you get married to is always a big deal. You are definitely choosing someone to not only spend the rest of your life with, but someone who will care for you and someone with whom you can build a life.

Have you ever noticed on those wedding shows whenever there's an interview an old couple who have been together for decades, they usually mention something about their spouse being their best friend.?

But if you really do some deep thinking, does it actually make sense to marry your best friend? Should you really spend your entire life with that person? Each person and situation is different. Here are the reasons you should marry your best friend.

Here are some reasons that you definitely should get married to your best friend..

1. You love them. Obviously, love is an important factor when it comes to marriage. If they’re truly your best friend, then you love them already! The real question comes when you start to think about if you’re “in love” with them. There is a difference. Sometimes you can be in love with your best friend without even realizing it. It might just hit you like a truck someday. If you realize this sooner rather than later, you should marry your best friend.

2. You trust them with your life. Trust is the most important thing in any relationship, but especially in a marriage. You have to really trust your partner with everything including your life. If you know you can trust them this way, you should marry them.

3. You have similar life goals. Futures have to align with the person you could potentially end up marrying. If one of you wants to travel the world for 10 years before settling down and the other is ready to buy a house and start their life, it won’t work. Make sure you both have similar long-term life goals. If you do, it’s a good sign you should marry your best friend.

4. Your religious views are understood. I personally don’t think that two people have to have similar religious views in order to make a marriage work. As long as those views are understood and accepted long before the big ceremony, you’re in the clear.

5. You argue. And I mean really argue about the important things. If you can get into some deep and heated arguments with your best friend and still respect them and their opinions, you should marry them. That’s not something you find in a lot of people. Take it where you get it!

6. You both have similar parenting style goals. If you two talk about the way you want to raise your kids and you agree with about 80% of what they’re saying, you should marry them. You have to have similar styles of parenting if you’re going to marry someone.

7. They bring out different sides of you. They can bring about the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, and even your weirdest side. You need to marry someone who can do this in order to have a happy marriage.

8. You’re physically attracted to them. Oftentimes, when two people are best friends but have never gone that extra step to be a couple, it’s because of a physical attraction barrier. One person might think the other is attractive but the other person might not be interested. However, in order to make a long-lasting, happy marriage, you have to be sexually attracted to them. After all, you will be sleeping with only them for the rest of your life.

9. You can’t imagine your life without them. If you can’t imagine being without this person in your life, then the best way to do this is to marry them. That way they’ll always be with you.

10. You’ve always secretly thought about it. Whether you want to admit it or not, you’ve thought about marrying your best friend before. As much as the two of you claim to be “just friends,” there is a tiny part of you that has pictured it before—which means there’s a part of you that actually wants it.

11. You talk about them. All. The. Time. I mean seriously, it’s probably annoying how much you talk about your best friend. It means you want to brag about them and share their life with others as if it was your own.

12. You feel your best when you’re with them. You feel more confident, happier, more relaxed, and just good whenever you’re around them. This is extremely important when finding a partner for life. If your best friend is this for you, you should marry them.

13. Each others happiness is more important. Having a best friend you care about more than yourself is not something to take lightly. If their happiness is more important to you than your own, put a ring on it.

14. You know each other better than anyone else. If you can tell someone else their entire life story better than they can, you’ve found someone you should spend your life with. It’s one thing to know all of the big parts, but it’s another to know all the small details no one else would ever guess.

15. They’ve always been a part of your long-term plans. If you’re already planning your long-distance future with them as a part of it, you should marry your best friend. Wanting them there through all of your big life changes and picturing them there means you should marry them.
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