Nairobi ODM Youth Leader Shot Dead in a Robbery Incident in Mihango Area Of Kayole

Nairobi ODM Youth Leader Stephen Mukabana Shot Dead
KENYA: Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement has suffered a major blow after its Nairobi Youth Leader Stephen Mukabana was shot dead on the night of Tuesday, April 12, in Mihango area of Kayole.

He was driving into his compound when he allegedly heard screams from a dark alley where a man was being robbed.

Police said Mukabana tried to help the man when he was shot in the head and chest at close range by the gang. The man was also shot and wounded, he is in stable condition in hospital.

According to his younger brother Bob Mukabana, a group of eight men shot him and told his wife they had accomplished their mission.

Mukabana was the chairman of Bamaho youth group, a land buying and selling company in Njiru.

The robbers are yet to be arrested and they did not steal anything from the victim, police added.

In March, Mukabana made headlines as he pushed for elections to pick the Nairobi County youth leadership saying failure to conduct the poll could cost ODM votes in 2017.

On February 1, Mukabana led a group of youths in storming ODM's Orange House headquarters demanding his recognition as Nairobi ODM youth leader.
Nairobi ODM Youth Leader Stephen Mukabana Shot Dead
The youths, who numbered more than 100, sought to hold a meeting at the premises to witness the handover of a certificate to Mukabana.

They camped outside the building for about five hours demanding to be allowed entry.

At the meeting, the youths underlined that they will not accept leaders imposed on them. They asked the party's National Elections Board to call a vote to allow them to elect leaders including Mukabana.

"There is a man called Benson Amutavi who has endorsed himself as the Nairobi youth leader purporting to have party leader Raila Odinga blessings," Mukabana said.

"I want to tell you that he is not our county leader as elections have not been held."

He said a circular would have been sent to all branches in the county had Amutavi been endorsed by Raila.

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