Leaked Photo of Josephine Kabura Counting "NYS Stolen" Millions

KENYA: Seems Kenyans are soo angry with the NYS scandal that they started a hashtag #HangWaiguru, coming days after key suspect in the National Youth Service (NYS) looting spree Josephine Kabura admitted to receiving Sh1.6 billion.
Josephine Kabura
Josephine Kabura || Image Via The Star.

But Josephine Kabura could not produce a single receipt for the pay-outs that flowed from her fat bank accounts...but guess what, someone leaked photo of Kabura counting huge sum of money believed to be payments made to her through her "hoax" companies.
Kabura counting stolen nys money
Leaked photo of Kabura counting her pay from NYS

Below are some of Kenyans on Twitter feelings on the rampant corruption in Kenya using the hashtag #HangWaiguru ;

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