Must Read: Open Letter From Rwanda To Big Brother Kenya

KENYA: Rwanda is worried of big brother Kenya having a genocide in 2017, hence writing an open letter to all Kenyans, she's worried that Kenya might go down an extremely dirty road than that of 2007/2008 again if its politics are not handled in the right manner.

Rwandas Open Letter to Kenya
Greetings Bro,

Its your small brother Rwanda here . This letter is could be long. How are you fairing man? Hope you are good. Just like I am. It’s long since we talked so I sent this as a matter of urgency.

In case you haven’t heard, in April 1994, the worst happened to me. After the death of My President, Juvenal Habyarimana, who was a Tutsi, my nationals went completely berserk.

As you probably already know, the Tutsi and Hutu were the major tribes I had. Now, the Hutu population was smaller than the TUTSI and the Tutsi, who had held on to the reigns of power for so long. So in April, the madness broke into a frenzy.

After a fierce campaign propaganda by the angry Hutu tribe, who wanted power too, I watched as the Hutu bought 581,000 machetes (pangas) from China.

I sadly watched as the Hutu also acquired rocket launchers, mortar bombs, grenades and ammunition worth Eighteen million Euros from Egypt.

My heart was beating fast. My soul was scared to bits. I watched, with sadness and fear, the media spreading propaganda, false information, lies and innuendo to the public.

I even witnessed the church preaching hatred, negative ethnicity and war.

I was helpless. I couldn’t believe what was happening. The stage was set for War. My children were getting prepared for the worst! Hate Leaflets were being spread. The Hutu were getting armed. The Tutsi were getting scared.

Brother, one sad morning, it happened. One bloody morning, the red dawn had come.

I heard children screaming! I saw women crying! I heard men wailing! My heart nearly stopped!

Brother, in just 100 days, my children turned savage. Literal animals! They butchered each other! Slaughtered each other! Ambushed each other!

I watched as 1,000 TUTSI children were burnt alive in a Polish Catholic Church.

I watched as 2,500 TUTSI men were bombed and killed while hiding in a tiny, crowded Church!

I watched sadly as around 250,000 girls were mercilessly raped and beaten to death!

I watched as 400,000 TUTSI men lost their manhood after it was cut in public by the Hutu!

I watched as 2,000 women were thrown into a pit of fire like dead flies!

I watched endless rivers of blood flow through my streets!

I watched children crying, children mourning their parents, children being slaughtered with machetes!

I watched as USA President, Bill Clinton and the United Nations peace keepers ignored me! Waiting for me to rip myself to tatters. Letting me gnaw at and destroy myself! I knew that was the END OF ME. It was sad! Painful! It was hopeless to say the least!

For 100 days, My children did the worst! It was blood, tears, sorrow, pain, death and agony! I LOST A MILLION NATIONALS! Yes, A MILLION Tutsi and Hutu were slaughtered in just 100 days! When the madness stopped, I knelt and thanked God! I had no idea what else to do.

They were fighting for a politician! Fighting for a tribe! Fighting for power!

BUT what did they gain? NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING!

Until today, I HAVE NEVER recovered from the madness! I have so many scars, so much pain!

Brother, I see Your people will be holding elections in a short while I see you guys are getting ready!

Tell them this:
. Whatever happens.
. Whoever wins.
. Whoever loses.
. Whether they rig or not.
. Whether the loser accepts the results or not.
. Whatever they tell you.
. Whether they incite you or not.
. Whatever grudges you may hold.

. Do NOT burn that church.
. Do NOT rape that woman.
. Do NOT slaughter that child.
. Do NOT mutilate that arm.
. Do NOT use that machete
. Do NOT kill that neighbour.

You are BIGGER than any tribe or any politician!

With care,
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