Sex workers in Kiambu county set to get KSh 2.6 million

KENYA: 41 rehabilitated sex workers in Kiambu county have been given KSh 2.6 million in order to start their own businesses.

Sex workers in Kiambu county set to get KSh 2.6 million
The grant from New Hope Kenya will be given to 41 reformed sex workers – 36 women and five men – in order to keep them away from prostitution.

She said the “Rudisha Mama Nyumbani” projects was a way of giving the sex workers the much-needed alternatives.

In May, a number of reformed sex workers in Athi River were reported to have gone back to their trade after failing to get alternative sources of income.

Kenya Sex Workers’ Association (KESWA) was forced to seek help from President Uhuru Kenyatta in October 2015, after a spate of attacks on its members.

In a letter to the president, KESWA said that at least 40 sex workers were being murdered every month across the country and they needed protection from the government.

Prostitution in Kenya is considered illegal and in spite of this, it is rife all over the country with most operating out of hotels and commercial houses for rent.

SOURCE: Tuko, The African Post,
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