Kenyan Tribes Whose Women Love Séx Out Of Marriage according to a survey done by Infotrack

KENYA: In a recent survey done by Infotrack has revealed which women in Kenya are likely to have 'mpango wa kandos'.

Kenyan Tribes Whose Women Love Sex Out Of Marriage
Well if you thought Kamba women loved sex and that they were likely to cheat on you with your next door neighbour, you were wrong. Forget the stereotypes you have always believed since you were born and let's deal with proven facts because Science does not lie.

According to the research, Western region which is mostly inhabited by Luhya women, leads when it comes to women seeking 'lungula' out of their matrimonial homes.

Eighty five percent of respondents in that region said they knew about women who were cheating on their husbands.
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Luhya mamacitas were closely followed by their neighbours, the Luos with Kikuyu ladies coming in strongly in the third position.

In Central, the research highlighted that married women warmed other men's beds because their husbands were too busy chasing 'besha' (money)

Surprisingly Kamba women come at the bottom of the list although, it is said that they cheat with the best man.

Here is the results of the survey:
Extra-Marital affairs in Married women in Kenya

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Via Tuko News
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