Police Brutality: Female Police Undresses a Lady in Kericho (Video Download Link)

KENYA: A video of a female cop (Badge No.92550) mishandling a Lady (Marie Obara) in Kericho has gone viral after the lady resisted arrest for questioning a police officer on Jan 1.

Marie Obara mishandled by a female police
||UPDATE 2100hrs: The Police Officer has however been interdicted pending investigations.
In the 19-second clip that you can download at the link provided at the end of this article, Marie Obara, whose breasts appear to have popped out as a result of the struggle initially appears to be resisting arrest from a policewomen.

According to the Lady "I was not under arrest,I was not the driver charged for speeding.I simply asked to see the records.I committed no offense." she tweeted after posting the video.

Undeterred, the officer pulls the lady behind on two separate occasions as the victim hangs her hands on the window of a vehicle with determination.

This incident happened in full view of two other Police officers a male and female.
In between the scuffle, the aggrieved lady continuously pleads “niache (leave me alone)”, but then her pleas evidently fall on deaf ears.

Also, a voice of someone not captured on camera is heard pleading “that is not the way”, but still, this doesn’t seem to deter the police officer, who for a moment turns in a seemingly violent nature to justify her actions.
Marie Obara mishandled by a female police

Click to download the video << HERE >>
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