Leaked Matiang'i List of Blacklisted Universities in Kenya

KENYA: Speaking to Citizen TV, Education minister Dr Fred Matiang'i said that several universities may be shut down in the New Year for offering substandard education.

Blacklisted Universities in Kenya
Matiang'i said an audit of the universities had so far shown that some were admitting unqualified students for degree courses hinting that some degree certificates may also be revoked in future as their holders did not meet the requirements to pursue the said courses.

There's however a rumored list of the blacklisted list of Universities that the ministry has its eyes on.

Kibabi University College
Kirinyaga University
Maasai Mara University
Machakos University
Murang'a University
Rongo University
South Eastern Kenya University
Taita Taveta University
Technical University of Kenya
University of Kabianga
Karatina University
University of Eldoret

UDATE 1400hrs: CS Matiang'i is also after student leaders, this comes days after the introduction of 2016 Universities (Amendments) Act. recently signed by President Uhuru Kenyatta which stipulates that a university student leader will hold office for a one-year term and be eligible for re-election only once.

The new law also disqualifies a person who has served as a member of the student council of a university for two terms from being elected to the same position at any other university in Kenya.

The Act is one of the many radical reform measures that Education CS Fred Matiangi has promised to implement in the university sector.

Some student leaders such as Paul Ongili, popularly referred to as Babu Owino, have dominated university students’ politics for years, making it impossible for alternative students to serve.

Going by the new law, Ongili will not be allowed to contest the Students Organisation of Nairobi University (SONU) chairmanship once his term ends in 2017.

“We are putting together our plan. There are investigations that will continue in January, and once we are done, we will begin a necessary clean up in our universities,” Matiangi stated in a recent interview with a local television station.

He added, “some of the reforms we will undertake will be difficult and painful. But we have to carry them out any way to safeguard the integrity of our education system."

Watch the full interview courtesy of Kenya's Citizen Tv below;

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