Video: Youths in Mpeketoni in Lamu hurl stones and unripe mangoes at Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho

KENYA: Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho was on Saturday, March 18, attacked with stones and unripe mangoes by youths in Mpeketoni during his coastal tour.

Hassan Joho stoned in Mpeketoni Lamu
His attempts to address the crowd proved futile as they shouted him down.

The youths who were shouting Jubilee slogans demanded not to be addressed by the Orange party leaders.

Mpeketoni is in Lamu West and its Member of Parliament is Julius Ndegwa and the Kikuyu is the dominant community. The legislator who was elected on a Kenya National Congress ticket, recently joined Jubilee.

After the fracas, the ODM leaders proceeded to Witu where they criticised the violence.

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