How Asian Ladies Use Boiled Rice Water to Beautify their Skin, Hair and Face.

Natural way of treating hair, face and skin
How good it would be if all women a bit more open to the idea of a more natural treatment for their skin rather than using expensive creams and lotions. The Rice water is amazingly a solution for many skin problems by being cheap and importantly effective.

All you need to do is boil some rice just like you'd do it as you prepare for your family but only that this time round you need to add some extra amount of water, then pour the excess water in jar and keep it a cool place.

For your Face and Skin.
Once its cooled use the rice water as part of face cleanser to make a face wash. You can also use the rice water as a part of your moisturizing face mask and you can also add a few drops of essential oils for skincare into the rice water.

For Your Hair.
All you have to do is rinse your hair with the rice water bringing shine to your hair and helping to keep it strong and healthy. You can also add to the rice water a few drops of these essential oils to bring out that strong and shiny hair look effect. After shampooing your hair remember to pour the rice water on your hair then using your fingers gently massage your scalp and hair and leave it on for 4-6 minutes. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with plain water. Remember to use the rice water 1-2 days a week.

Some of the benefits of using rice water is having a soft skin, improved complexion, firm skin, tightened open pores on your skin and prevents aging spots and hyper pigmentation.
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