Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.

Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
Egypt & Israel- 9 Nights / 10 Day.

Day1: Arrival in Cairo. You will meet our representative and transfer to your hotel for overnight.
Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.

Day 2:  You will start the day with a visit to the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx.
Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx
 Later visit an Oriental perfumery. Afternoon visit  the  hanging  church  (AL MUALLAQA) - was built in the 4th century over southern gate of  the  fortress  of  Babylon. Dedicated  to  Virgin  Mary,  its treasures includes a 14th century wall painting of the Nativity, Church  of St.Sergius (ABU  SERGA)  A  5th century basilica built over crypt where the Holy Family is believed to have stayed during their flight into Egypt,  Church of St.Mercurius
(ABU SEFEIN) - boasts a unique collection of Coptic art including 175 icons that depict scenes from the old and new testaments, wall paintings, etching and stained glass,  - Overnight: Cairo.

Day 3: Taba
Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
After breakfast. Depart for Taba. This is a full day drive. Arrival in Taba in time for dinner and

Day 4:
 Egypt / Israel.
After breakfast, Transfer to the border town of Taba (30 mins) and cross over to Eilat to
enter Israel. Cross through the border- check and immigration. Meet and assistance by our
guide in Israel.
Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
Welcome to ISRAEL...Land of the Bible....Land of the faith.... the Holy Land, revered throughout recorded history as the cradle of monotheistic religion. For a person of  faith whose beliefs are rooted in the Bible there is no place on earth like the Holy Land -Israel
Proceed  to visit  Jericho (the oldest and lowest city in the  earth ), where we will view and visit the Mt. of temptation  by the cable car, remains of the walls of the old Jericho  and  Zaccheus tree (Luke  18:35-42).Take  lunch in Jericho  (Optional), proceed to The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and see the panorama of Jerusalem from there, also will visit the Ascension Chapel  where Jesus ascended into Heaven. Visit the Church of Pater Noster to witness the “Lord’s Prayer’ written in several languages.
Overnight: Jerusalem ** Meal plan: Breakfast/Dinner

Day 5:
Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
Garden of Gethsemane.
Breakfast at hotel and drive to start our full day where we will have our visits. Proceed to the Church of All Nations and the Garden of Gethsemane to see the Rock of Agony the place where Jesus prayed before the Roman soldiers came for Him. Continue to visit the Church of St. Anne, Pool of Bethesda. Then continue  to Via  Dolorosa starting  from  the  first station  (condemnation)  to  the fourteen  station inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher where Jesus was crucified, died and the resurrection   from the dead.  Then  continue  crossing  the  old  City  of Jerusalem (Theold Pazar), the Jewish Quarter where the remains of the holy temple and the Wailing Wall. Visit the Mount Zion area to see the Upper Room where Jesus and His disciples had their last supper. See also King David’s tomb, the Dormition Abbey and the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu.
Overnight: Jerusalem ** Meal plan: Breakfast/Dinner.

Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
Church of the Nativity.
In the morning we visit the ancient Church of the Nativity, where we can really touch the very place where Jesus was born. Built by St. Helena already in the 4th century, it has been an active church and never destroyed ever since! Here St. Heronymus wrote the first Latin translation of the Bible – the "Volgata". We shall also visit the "Milk Grotto" and, the "Shepherds Fields" in Beth-Sahour.
At noon we will drive to visit Hebron (20 miles south of Jerusalem). Hebron entered history withAbraham. “After leaving his nephew Lot in the region of Bethel , Abraham moved his tent, came and dwelt by the oaks of Mamre which are at Hebron, and there he built an alter to the
Lord”(Genesis13:18).After an oriental bargaining Abraham bought the cave of Machpela for four hundred shekels of silver from Ephron the Hittite. The cave of Machpela became the family burial place where Sara, Abrahamhimself, Isaac, Rebecca, Leah and finally Jacob, whose body was brought from Egypt, were buried, and continue to visit Ein Karem, the place where John the Baptist was born.
We will visit the "St. John in the Mountains" church, built on the place where the house of St. John was standing. We will also visit the Church of Visitation, where St. Mary visited Elisabeth and continue to visit the new city Jerusalem,
Overnight: Jerusalem

Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
We move to visit it old city of Jaffa, one of the ancient gateways to the Holy Land: Through its port the Cedar trees for Solomon's Temple were brought, the prophet Jonas tried to flee God, but most important: It was in Jaffa where Christianity began to be spread among the nations. Here St. Peter lived in the house of Simon the Tanner and had the "Vision of the Flesh", and here he made his first miracle by healing the little girl.
Today Jaffa's renovated alley-ways attract many artists, who have their galleries there. We drive to Caesarea, the magnificent port-city built by King Herod the Great. From here St. Peter went to Rome and started with his first miracles. In Caesarea's well-preserved theater an inscriptionoftheprocuratorPontiusPilatewasfound.We continue toHaifa theMt. Carmel. And after noon drive to visit Nazareth, where we will visit there the basilica and the Grotto of the annunciation- the old Synagogue and Mary'swell.
Overnight: Tiberias **Meal plan: Breakfast/Dinner


Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
Sea of Galilee.
Visit the places where Jesus acted around the Sea of Galilee: Mt. of the Beatitudes, where the "Sermon on the Mount" was given .Proceed to Tabgha: Itis aplacewithaplentiful supply ofwater.Traditionally , this is the site where Jesus fed 5000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves (Mark 6:36-44 , Matthew 14:13-21 , John 6:1- 6), walking down to primacy of peter ( Mensa Christi )thenproceedingtothetownofChrist (Capernaum).
Drive to visit Kibbutz Ginosar wherewe see the dairy farming. Ginosar are the biggest and oldest banana plantations in Israel, which in the last decades, show impressive agriculture results, both for Israel and worldwide. Also we will sail on the sea in a boat similar to the boat used by Jesus and his disciples. Proceed to Baptismal Site on  the Holy River Jordan.
Overnight: Tiberias

ISRAEL/EGYPT Early in the morning we will depart for Cairo with visits en-route as we drive back to the border.

Visit Qumran, proceed to the D.Sea (the lowestpointintheworld) andwe can float there( lot’ssea) , Continue to Eilat border. At 16:00, we will arrive to TabaBorder to enter into Egypt. ContinuetoStCatherine. Arrive at St. Catharine Check in hotel. Have an early dinner and retire early to be ready for the early morning climb.
Overnight: St.Catherine **Meal plan: Breakfast/Dinner


Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.
Start the climbi Mt.Sinai.
Return to hotel for rest and breakfast. Checkoutand will visit sites in St. Catherine, which is the place where Moses climbed up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. In the same area, there is the famous Greek Orthodox Monastery, which is built around the Burning Bush and the well where Moses met his wife Zebura (daughter of Jethro, the priest of Median). Visit the place where the Israelites camped when Moses went to receive the Ten Commandments. There will be an optional Walking tour around the mountain in the valley of Arbien.

Heading to the Springs of Moses where Moses hit the rock and twelve water springs appeared. Here, there are remnants of the springs and a group of Bedouins still lives there. Continue to the Wilderness of Sin where the miracle of Manna and Quails took place and view the seventy-two palm trees. Next stop is in Rephidim where the Israelites fought the Amalekites. During this battle, whenever Moses put his arms down, the Israelites lost and whenever he put his armsup, the Israelites were winning. (Aaron and Hur held Moses' arms up as he started getting tired.).

Then cross the famous Suez Canal that separates Asia and Africa. This tunnel is under the sea and an adventure in itself. Sometimes the huge ships crossing the canal can be seen, Continue to Cairo.

You will proceed for dinner and later proceed to airport for your flight back home.

Affordable Pilgrimage Package to Egypt & Israel For 9 Nights / 10 Days.

Arrival back home.

Terms & Conditions:

A. Inclusions;
1. Package rate based on the  stated minimum numbers.
2. Return Air Ticket to Cairo via Addis Ababa inclusive of departure taxes (as of 4th Feb 2016)
3. 9 Nights’ accommodation on Half Board Basis. 3*Hotel in Israel & 4*Hotel in Cairo.
4. Meet and assistance up on arrival and departure.
5. Transfers and tours in A/C as per itinerary requested.
6.Travel Insurance.
7. Entrance fees as per itinerary requested.
8. English Speaking Guide & Driver as per itinerary.
9. Hotel accommodation is based on 3*Star hotel (Superior & Basic) in Israel on twin sharing as follows;
- 2 Nights in Cairo.
- 1 Night in Taba.
- 3 Nights in Bethlehem – Shepherd Hotel  or Similar.
- 2 Nights in Nazareth – Rimonim hotel or Similar.
- 1 Night in St.Katherine.

B. Notincluded:
1. Extra meals, drinks, personal expenses, tips during the entire tour.
2. Anything that is not mentioned in the item "rate includes"

C.  Cancellation Policy:
1. Flight – Airticket.
Tickets are non-refundable incase of No  Show.
3-2 Months prior to departure, refundless 15%.
30-15 days prior to departure, refundless 30%.
14 days prior to departure, refundless 50%.
7-1 days prior to departure, 100% penalty.

2. Ground–Accommodation&Tours.
30–15 days prior to departure, refundless 50%.
14-1 days prior to departure, 100% penalty.

3. Travel Insurance.
As per insurance policy, copy to shall be given to passengers before travel.

Package Pricing - Superior Room. >> USD 1,980 minimum 30 Passengers + 2FOC

Package Pricing - Basic Room. >> USD 1,880 minimum 30 Passengers + 2FOC


For More Info Contact:
Office: +254 703 172 858
Wanja: +254 722 764 583
Christine: +254 722 847 765
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