Photos Of A Sleeping Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Goes Viral. [Photos]

An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
Eduard Paraschivescu was an intern at Canadian software firm Gsoft when he leaned back in his chair only to wake up 20 minutes later to find co-workers around him, laughing and taking pictures.

Asked if this will affect his career, Mr Paraschivescu said “In all honesty, I have my reputation to lean back on,” “I’m the president of a student society, I’m a good software architect, I’m known for many other things than sleeping — and hey, if it’s funny, it’s worth sharing.” Mr. Lean added.

Here are some of the memes doing rounds on social media.
An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
An Intern Eduard Paraschivescu Sleeping On The Job Goes Viral.
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