Here's What Donald Trump Had to Say About The Just Concluded Uganda Elections.

Donald Trump On Uganda Elections
“Sometimes I think Kenyans are ‘a little braver because when their vote was stolen, they stood tall and gave their lives for the sake of their country. Ugandan people are cowards. They are easily dispersed by a single teargas canister and their votes are stolen. Museveni belongs to prison and not State House” Said Trump.

Speaking in South Carolina while vying for the hearts and minds of South Carolina voters, he blamed the of Ugandans for not standing out to fight for their democratic rights.

This comes amid the aresting of Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye for the fourth time in eight days, this was after he failed to unseat long-serving President Yoweri Museveni in an election observers say was marked by intimidation and lacked transparency.
Kizza Besigye arrested

Uganda's Electoral Commission declared Museveni, the winner of the February 18 presidential race, with 60.8% against Besigye's 35.4%.

US Secretary of State John Kerry has also voiced concern over the harassment Dr. Kizza Besigye and the shutdown of social media in Uganda, where money transfer services, Facebook, Twitter and the WhatsApp messaging service have faced outages on election day.
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