Reasons Why Ladies Love The Morning Boners/Wood.

Reasons Why Ladies Love The Morning Boners/Wood.
Morning wood, pee-boner,  morning glory, morning tent, or NARB *no apparent reason boner*. They go by many names but what are they? We unlock the mystery on this article.

Ladies, ever wake up with your man and get a “big” morning surprise when you cuddle?
We’re talking about morning erections, a rather mysterious phenomenon when your man wakes up with a sudden hard-rock penis.

Does it mean he had a rather raunchy dream? Or does he really just have the hots for you? Does seeing you next to him turn him on? Was he fantasizing about you *or, heaven forbid, someone else* while he was sleeping? Or is there just something wrong with him down there?
So what is it, really?

Before you rack your brain out about his wanker, let us give you the deets on his dick and why it’s all up and about even before he wakes up.

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Here we list nine reasons why ladies just love men’s morning wood.

1. It’s exercise for his penis. First of all, his pole pops up at night and in the morning because it’s his body’s way of, say, weight training. In fact, it’s the only part of the body that can hold in blood for long periods of time. If you tie a tourniquet around your leg or arms for thirty minutes, you are going to have a serious problem. However, it’s no problem for the penis. Those morning boners are his body’s way of telling the penis how to do its job.

2. It’s a great showcase of his “talent.” Well, hello! There’s nothing like waking up next to a man with a stiffy. Plus it’s a great way for him to get a compliment or two about how manly and stiff he is. After all, it’s one of those moments when he is as hard as ever to the surprise and pleasure of his lover.

3. Ladies like to rub up against his poker. Admit it, you like first-thing-in-the-morning spooning and cuddling. It’s also an extra treat when you suddenly get poked by your man’s monkey-stick when he wraps his arms around you. And of course, who wouldn’t want to reach down there and give the “little one” *pardon the pun* a little pat.

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4. He can make a tent with it. There are a lot of things a man can do with his dick, especially when it’s hard. It’s like he has his very own personal toy, which he can just take out and wiggle about. One great thing he can do with his morning boner is to make a tent with it.

5. You can hang stuff up there. Another great thing a man can do with his morning wood is to hang stuff on it and just give the two of you a great laugh before you head on to the morning rush. Depending on how stiff and strong his wood is, you can hang your panties, shirt, or even a towel on it.

6. You can just admire it while he sleeps. You ever wonder if dicks have a mind of their own? We bet you do, especially in the wee hours of the morning when you wake up to see him sleeping yet stiff. You may even have talked to it at some point, stroked and petted it like it was something alive in itself—all while your man is sleeping. If you haven’t, well, start doing it now. The morning is a perfect time to bond with his boner and just admire it while your man soundly sleeps.

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7. Morning séx! There’s nothing like rubbing up on his already-hard dick to make you extra horny. After all, who wouldn’t want to shag a shag-ready schlong like that? One of the best things about the morning wood—and we bet both men and women would agree—is that it invites morning sex. And great sex it is. This is because his morning boner can also help increase his bedroom stamina, making sex last longer and be more pleasurable at this time of day. Consequently, morning sex also offers a plethora of other great benefits, such as giving you both a mood booster and stronger immune system as you go through the rest of your day.

So there you have it, the 411 on men’s glorious morning boners.
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