Ways To Get Your Crush Like and Notice You Back.

Ways To Get Your Crush Like and Notice You Back.
Wondering how you can get your crush to notice you? Use these tips here, and you’ll even be able to get your crush to like you back within a few days.

1. Get their attention. The first thing you need to do is get your crush to notice you, and think of you in positive light. If your crush thinks you’re interesting every time they notice you, you’ve won more than half the battle already.

2. Build the chemistry. Once you’ve caught the fancy of your crush, you need to start working on making them desire you. You don’t need to tell your crush that you like them at any point of time. All you need to do is psychologically convince your crush that they are the one who’s falling for you instead!

3. Initiate a conversation. If you plan the first two stages right and follow the steps mentioned here to the tee, the last thing you need to do is initiate the conversation. And believe me, that’ll be as simple as snapping your fingers!

||READ: Signs That Someone Has a BIG Crush On You.

4. Fleeting glances. Exchange fleeting glances with your crush when you’re busy with your own friends. Don’t stare too hard or try too hard to catch their eye. Make it appear like you just noticed them and stare at them only for a fraction of a second at least the first few times.

5. Show off what you’re good at. If you want to get your crush to notice you and like you, you have to find a way to make them feel awed by you. If you have any qualities that are worth showing off or displaying discreetly, make sure you flaunt it.

6. Show off your kind side. Don’t be cocky or arrogant while trying to catch your crush’s attention. Meanness is a trait both genders dislike to see in a prospective mate. If your crush assumes you’re mean, you’d lose a big chance of dating them. Be helpful to people, and be friendly, especially when your crush is around.

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7. Be a happy person. Be cheerful when they’re around. Popular people are always happy and they’re the life of every party and get-together. Laugh a lot, have fun with your friends and always have a smile on your face.

8. Smell great. You need to leave your fragrance lingering in the air each time you walk past them. Remember, these little details may not seem like much, but they play a big part in subtly attracting your crush. You could even carry a small bottle of perfume in your bag, and discreetly spray it around your shoulders or over your hair if you know you’d be bumping into your crush soon.

9. Look good around your crush. Well dressed people who groom themselves always stick out of the crowd like a happy sore thumb. And that’s a good thing. Work out, look fit and try to look your attractive best, especially when you know you’d bump into your crush. Every time you get an appreciative glance from your crush, the bigger the odds are that they’ll like you back.

10. Use your P’s and Q’s. The best way to arouse a crush’s curiosity and make them fall for you is by making yourself seem approachable, and yet walking away before they can do anything about it. If you’re walking past your crush, squeeze through near them and say “excuse me” and walk past them. And as you cross your crush, look straight into their eyes and smile just a little bit. And after walking past, turn around, say “thank you” and walk away. You’ll drive your crush crazy, and make them want to trail you and talk to you!

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11. Stare at your crush. At this point of time, you need to make eye contact with your crush, and hold the gaze for longer than a second. You’ve built enough sexual chemistry to take this further. Stare at your crush for a second or two, and look away. Do that often as long as your crush is trying to look at you too. If your crush is busy or isn’t reciprocating, don’t try to catch their eye or you’ll just end up losing all the chemistry you’ve built up.

12. Play a secret game. You want your crush fall hard for you, but your intention isn’t to make them realize you like them like crazy already. Avoid staring at your crush in front of their friends. By staring at your crush when everyone’s watching, you’d be making it obvious to the world that you want to catch your crush’s eye. And once your crush’s friends see you trying to make eye contact, you’ll make the staring game seem one sided. Always be discreet when you have to make eye contact. The eye contact game has to feel like a secret thing going on between you and your crush, and no one should realize it other than your crush.

13. Don’t stalk your crush. The thought of walking behind your crush or watching their every move every single day could seem enticing. But if you do want to date your crush at some point of time, avoid stalking them. And even if you do stalk your crush, don’t make it obvious to them.

14. Don’t be idle around your crush. Don’t appear like you have nothing better to do than drool at your crush when they’re around. If you’re pretending to be the lonely vampire who likes being all alone and mysterious, it may work in your favor. But if you’re just being a normal guy or girl, it’s always better to appear like you have a life.

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