Tension in Nakuru as angry Youths try to storm & disrupt Raila Odinga meeting in Nakuru

Raila in Nakuru
KENYA: Police officers were forced to shoot in the air to disperse pro-Jubilee youths who wanted to interfere with Raila Odinga meeting in Nakuru.

The youth mostly boda boda riders carried placards and demanded that the Cord leader leave the town immediately.

They chanted anti-Raila slogans as they marched towards where the Cord leader was holding a closed-door meeting with party officials along Kabarak road.

It was alleged that the riders were led by some MCAs from Nakuru.

The protests comes just hours after the Nakuru governor Kinuthia Mbugua said he will not allow anti-IEBC demonstrations in the county, terming them as a "recipe for chaos".

Raila arrived in Nakuru on Saturday morning for political rally at the Mkarafuu grounds.

The CORD leader is in a tour of the vote-rich county, before proceeding for rallies in different parts of the county.
Raila Odinga in Nakuru
Raila Odinga in Nakuru
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