Man-eating Community From Uganda Enters Kenya

KENYA: Its all over the internet that a flesh-eating community from Uganda has moved into Kenya.

Man-eating community based in Uganda Enters Kenya
The unconfirmed report were made on social media platforms, specifically Facebook and on WhatsApp.

The rumours claimed that human eaters are now in Bungoma and its environs after crossing the Kenyan border.

The practice of of eating humans has been greatly condemned in several parts of the world where it has been practiced, especially in Liberia and Congo. However, it still exists in Papua New Gunea as of 2012 for occult practices, in rituals, and in war-torn areas, especially among the various Melanesian tribes.

In Kenya, human-eaters have been nabbed in isolated cases in the past even though the cases have never been prominent or rampant.
Man-eating community based in Uganda Enters Kenya


Well is it true Man-eaters have entered Kenya?

On Friday, August 19, The Busia County Commissioner, Mongo Chimwaga dismissed the rumors.

He added that there should be no cause of alarm and urged the residents and the public at large to continue with their daily activities without fear.

Also Read: SHOCKING! Human-eating People Discovered in Thailand (Warning: VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED)
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