Nairobi's Prettiest Thug Claire Mwaniki funeral takes place at her parent's home in Murang'a (Photos)

KENYA: Clare Mwaniki has been described as arguably the prettiest female gangster in Kenya and her death is still fresh in the minds of many.

Prettiest thug Clare Mwanikis Funeral
Clea Addi Vybz may have been her identity on Facebook but her real name is Clera Njoki and she was only 17-years-old at the time of her death. The teenager hailed from Kambirwa village of Kiharu constituency in Murang'a County.
Prettiest thug Clare Mwanikis Funeral
Clare was buried on Thursday May 19 in the same village during the burial which was attended by only a handful of people.

Before adopting her gun life, Njoki used to live with her grandparents in the semi-arid Kambirwa area when she dropped out of school in form one at Gikindu Secondary school.
Gikindu Secondary school
Clare later moved to her mother's house in Kayole, Nairobi where she is likely to have met bad company which lured her to crime.

But news of her death shocked many especially her family members, classmates and also some friends who did not know of her criminal activities.
Prettiest thug Clare Mwanikis Funeral
Some even doubted the police assertion that she was a ruthless criminal and wondered whether she deserved to be shot dead.

Njoki's relatives also claimed she was not married to anyone neither did she have a child. Her earlier posts on Facebook showed a photo of a child while police said her husband was also a criminal.
Prettiest thug Clare Mwanikis Funeral
Shortly after the burial, there was drama after police officers drawn from Murang'a raided and ransacked Claire's home.

The officers arrested three men hours after reports emerged that her friends avoided the funeral fearing arrest.
Prettiest thug Clare Mwanikis Funeral

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