Shock as IEBC Reveals Kalonzo as Wiper Presidential candidate, Raila has no Running mate

KENYA: NASA's presidential running-mate, Kalonzo Musyoka is listed as the nominee for the Presidency by the Wiper Democratic Party, the IEBC has revealed.

IEBC Reveals Kalonzo as Wiper Presidential candidate, Raila has no Running mate
According to a report by IEBC released on Saturday 20, NASA's presidential nominee Raila Odinga has been submitted as the ODM candidate but with no running-mate.

The report shows that out of 19 presidential hopefuls, only President Uhuru Kenyatta has submitted William Ruto as his running-mate under the Jubilee Party.

Raila was unveiled as the NASA presidential candidate on April 27 at Uhuru Park where Kalonzo was named the running mate.

Some Wiper members led by Minority Leader in the National Assembly Francis Nyenze protested the move saying Wiper had been short-changed.

They later made an about-turn after being prevailed upon by Kalonzo.

The IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati said that political parties can amend the the list which is computer generated by Sunday, May 21.
IEBC Reveals Kalonzo as Wiper Presidential candidate, Raila has no Running mate
IEBC Reveals Kalonzo as Wiper Presidential candidate, Raila has no Running mate
IEBC Reveals Kalonzo as Wiper Presidential candidate, Raila has no Running mate
IEBC Reveals Kalonzo as Wiper Presidential candidate, Raila has no Running mate
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