You are Likely to Get an Infection If The Person Seated Next to you in a Plane Starts to SNEEZE After Take Off.

Sneezing in a plane
You are at risk of getting an infection if the person seated next to you in a plane keeps sneezing once the plane takes off. This is so because travelers who sit in the same cabin with the person sneezing are most at risk of infection from the sneeze, maybe what you didn't know is that particles with all the germs from the sneeze can travel much further than you may think, lets say even up to 50 ft away. The sneezer puts the others at risk by inhaling the germs he sneezes out.

When a person sneezes, it's a way of protecting your body by clearing the nose of bacteria and viruses. But don't expect a sleeping person to sneeze, this is because when you sleep the sneezing nerves sleep too.

What will determine if you get the disease is if your vent is open to allow free flow of fresh air or how strong your immune system is. Sharing items with a person that is sneezing puts you at a more risk and hence the need to; Wash your hands and use hand sanitizers regularly when you are in transit especially after visiting the toilet and before meals on the plane and remember its good to choose unscented hand sanitizer as this may affect the person seated across into sneezing too . Maybe you also need to reduce direct contact with the other passengers in the cabin if you can.

I however recommend it that if you are the person sneezing and you know you have a disease such as the flu you shouldn't be traveling in the first place. If it's just a normal cold there are some ways that you can do to keep your fellow passengers healthy such as covering your mouth with a dry cloth.
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