Malawian Kevin Gonani Beaten Up by Fellow Gay Members For Turning His 9 Year Old Nephew Into S3x Slave.

Malawian Gay Kevin Gonani
Kevin Gonani was beaten by fellow members of the gay community for turning his 9 year old nephew into a sex slave and offering him for prostitution to a 43 year old gay man, activists defending gays have condemned Gonani and advised government to have him arrested immediately.

Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP), who  have been fighting for decriminalisation of homosexuality commended members of the gay community who rescued the 9 year old victim from Gonani.

Part of a joint statement from the two organizations signed by CHRR’s Timothy Mtambo and CEDEP’s Gift Trapence read; “Sexual abuse and exploitation of the child in Gonani’s care is an extremely serious and worrisome accusation and it is crucial that this case is thoroughly and urgently investigated by relevant authorities. Much as we are interested in the promotion of equal rights and social justice in Malawi, we at CHRR and CEDEP do not condone any sexual abuse of children.  This is why we are calling for Mr Gonani to be promptly investigated and, if it is established that he indeed sexually exploited the child, he must be prosecuted,”

Gonani was once arrested last year for engaging in sexual activities with another man but CEDEP and CHRR mounted legal action in his support which led to Malawi President Peter Mutharika pardoning him and his co-accused. Activists in the country  have called on government to make sure that boys are protected from sexual abuse saying the current set laws on child abuse assume that only girls are sexually abused.
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