Are you Single? Here are Some Tips to Get You Through This Valentines Day.

Are you Single? Here are Some Tips to Get You Through This Valentines Day.
Being single this valentines day might be tough but there are some solutions to make it awesome. All you need is a positive attitude, here is a guide to surviving February 14 alone, in class and style.

1.  Visit your loved ones!
This is the perfect time to shout your lovely parents a nice breakfast. Take them to their favourite cafe.

2.  Pamper yourself!
Valentine’s Day is all about love, so it’s time to love yourself. Sleep in! Nuzzle deep into your pillows! Enjoy having the covers all to yourself! Ignore the disturbing grunts of your middle-aged next-door neighbours having a blissful hour of V-Day Morning S3x.

3. Pretend!
Have a romantic dinner-for-two delivered to your door...when the delivery guy knocks on your door, pretend you’re halfway through a long, very-much-in-love laugh with your partner as you open it. Smile and shout behind you, “Honey, the food’s here!”

4. Throw a Singles’ Party!
It’s time to get your entire crew together to have some FUN! Set up a Facebook Event page, and invite all your friends over for wine, chocolate and silly movies! Wait. Whoops. All your friends are in relationships now, and they’re busy pampering their partners in that four-bedroom house with a shiny white picket fence they bought together last month. Okay. Cool. Have some Easy Mac For Four, for one, instead.

5. Send yourself flowers!
Timing is everything here. You need to be in a public place, like the office or a crowded cafe. When your gift arrives, act like you’re really surprised and overwhelmed. Start crying. Be sure to make them look like tears of joy. Avoid meeting the gaze of your colleagues, who know they’re tears of loneliness.

6. Have a Cheeky Wine!
This is your night to pamper yourself, remember? You deserve this! Just a cheeky little glass of Shiraz. Or two. Two glasses? Two glasses. Three. Okay, may as well finish the bottle. The second bottle, that is. Okay, now you’re drunk. Drunk and alone. Drunk and alone, with a strained neck and a ripper of a headache fast on its way.

7.Head out to a romantic restaurant!
Why miss out on a nice dinner, just because you’re single? As restaurants are booked to the max on Valentine’s Day, getting a table-for-one can be a difficult task. But have no fear. Book a reservation for two at a fancy restaurant. Sit down and tell the waiter your partner is running a few minutes late. When the waiter returns, claim you’ve been stood up and start crying. Hopefully he will take pity, and offer you free spring rolls.

8. Don't forget to play this song over and over again!
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