TYCOON Richard Branson Gets Bitten By A Shark. (Photos)

TYCOON Richard Branson Gets Bitten By A Shark
Virgin billionaire Richard Branson was swimming with dozens of stingrays off the coast of Grand Cayman when he was bitten on the arm.

He later posted a picture of his injuries on Twitter, saying: “Been in the wars in the Cayman Islands — bitten by a shark.”

TYCOON Richard Branson Gets Bitten By A Shark
But the rays were feeding all around, and they mistook yours truly for their food. Suddenly I felt a painful sensation on my wrist – they have one heck of a painful kiss! Rays are actually part of the shark family, so I've now been kissed by a shark.

Latter on as his anniversary was coming up, he popped into a local jewellery shop to look for a gift for Joan, not noticing there was a glass door in his way. He hit the glass head first and got this painful cut above his left eye. The crash resulted to this..
TYCOON Richard Branson Gets Bitten By A Shark
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