Time to Crack The Puzzle: Which one of These Three Women Is The Mother?? (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Indianapolis family Kaylan Mahomes @Kaylan_17
If you are always on twitter by now you ought to have notted the big puzzle in the interweb, a photo has taken the interweb by storm where a mother and her two daughters are seen to be posing for a snap in their car. Daughter Kaylan Mahomes uploaded the photo on Jan 28th. The twitpic has so far received more than 19,000 retweets and more than 31,000 likes on Kaylan tweeter handle @Kaylan_17.

After the selfie went viral, the Indianapolis family created an Instagram page @momtwinandme to share more photos of the family.
Indianapolis family @kaylan_17 Kaylan Mahomes

If this puzzle is too hard to crack, download the video HERE to get the puzzle solved. The video was uploaded with the caption "When your mom thinks it's a picture..lol"
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