10 Dirty Questions That Will Make Her Wet

10 Questions That Will Make Her Wet.
It’s easy to ask the following 10 questions when you’re sitting with her, but if she feels uncomfortable or believes you’re trying too hard or going too fast, you may end up blowing your chances. And you’ll have a hard time making her like you again.

Girls play hard to get almost all the time. This is a good thing though, or you wouldn’t really think she’s worth the effort.  But sometimes, it’s easier to turn on a girl than date her. When it comes to dating a girl, she’d instinctively know you’re hitting on her. If you discreetly warm her up to your flirty touches, you’ll see that seducing a girl can be rather easy if she thinks you’re a great guy.

If you know how to be discreet, you can make a girl fall for you or even turn her on in just a few conversations. But here, we’ll get to seducing a girl with just 20 simple questions, which are preferably via texts.

Ask her these questions late at night for best results...

1. What are you doing right now? Play it nice and slow. This can help you be certain that she’s alone and bored enough to give you her complete attention.

2. Are you alone? This question is perfect to understand if she’s idle and all alone at home. You obviously can’t flirt or talk sex if her friends are around her. Say something bold like “I wish I could be there with you” when she reciprocates with an affirmative.

3. Do you like cuddling when you lie in bed? Warm her up to a flirty conversation without overstepping the line. This can help open her up by talking about cuddling with someone else.

4. What do you wear when you go to bed? / What are you wearing? A curious question that’s perfect to ask a girl when she’s in bed already. It’s personal, and yet not too sexual. Say something like “Gosh, I can only imagine how cute you look right now” when she describes herself.

||ALSO READ: Ladies, Here are Some of The Crazy Stuff that Attract Most Men to You.

5. Has a guy even touched you or discreetly groped you while clubbing or in a crowded place? Girls have a thing about sexual groping. Even if it’s accidental, it’s something they just don’t forget. You can answer something like “I wish I could have been that guy!” after she tells you about an incident she likes.

6. Have you ever made out with a guy just because you were horny at that time? Find out if she’s a girl who can be coaxed into having sex with a guy in the heat of the moment.

7. Do you like boxers or briefs? This is a cliched question and even if a girl doesn’t care about it, she’d most probably say that she likes a boxer. Answer this question by telling her what you’re wearing. The whole focus here is to get her to think of your package without really making it obvious.

8. If a guy wants to come over to your place and make out with you right now, would you like that? Don’t talk about yourself just yet, unless you already know she wants you to come over. If she answers “yes”, go full speed ahead to her place. Otherwise, play the seduction game for a few more minutes before telling her you want to come to her place right that instant.

9.  If there’s one place a guy should touch you to make you horny, which is that? This goes straight to sex and arousal. And if she does answer this truthfully, in all probability, she’s already aroused.

10. Does a massage make you wet? A full body massage makes almost all girls wet. You can always tell her something like “Just so you know, I came first in my masseuse class and I would love to give you a massage. And don’t worry, now that I know you get horny while getting a massage, I’ll linger in all the right places.”

Source: LovePanky.
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