Kenyan Cord Leader Raila Odinga Falls on Stage While Rebuking "Devil" in Kilifi Rally.

Raila falls on stage
KENYA: Cord leader Raila Odinga and a host of coalition members fell during a rally in Kilifi county on Friday when a dais they were standing on collapsed.

Raila was in the middle of an address to supporters at the Malindi municipal stadium after attending a court hearing in when the dais gave way owing to the weight of several leaders.

Ironically, Raila had just concluded on one of his parables in which he alluded to his supporters of an attempt by forces he branded as the “devil”, to lure Coast Cord leader from the coalition.

He said the leaders had rejected the advances.

“I was shown the hill where the devil tempted Jesus telling him he would give him all the land if he worshiped him. But Jesus rejected the devil telling him to go away,” Raila said.

It was at this point that the dais gave way sending the Cord leaders flailing to the ground.

There were no injuries reported following the incident.

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Source: The Star.
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