Man Set On Fire By Wife For Being Unfaithful.

Man Set On Fire By Wife For Being Unfaithful.
KENYA: A man from Redsoil village in Mwea, Kirinyaga County has been admitted at Kimbimbi sub-County Hospital after he was set on fire by his wife following a weekend away from home.

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Steven Murimi came home to find his wife in breathing fire over his absence, which saw her use a kerosene stove to set him ablaze, before fleeing the home.

Murimi admitted to having spent the weekend at an entertainment spot with another woman.
Doctors at the hospital said that the man, who was brought to hospital with 25 percent burns, had stabilised.
Area chief Immaculate Wanjiru who confirmed the incident, said that authorities had launched a search for Murimi’s wife.

This came after a report which was compiled recently in January 2016, that claimed it had reliably established that a total of 18 governors, 13 senators, 95 MPs and 346 MCAs are regularly battered by their wives.
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