Malawi Bureau of Standards Bans Production and Distribution of Chibuku shake shake Opaque Beer.

Chibuku Shake Shake Beer
MALAWI: Chibuku Products Limited (CPL), a subsidiary of SABMiller came under fire last year when it emerged that the company was discharging effluent into rivers, an act that was poisoning water for consumption.

The suspension order banning Chibuku production and distribution due to hygienic concerns has now been lifted, Said Malawi Bureau of Standards.

On Wednesday last week Malawi Bureau of Standards (MSB) banned production and distribution of Chibuku shake shake opaque beer for Lilongwe plant following a health inspection exercise that found the SABMiller unit was producing beer unfit for human consumption.

The statement read in part, "The lifting of the suspension order follows verification audits conducted by the MBS inspectors on 4th and 5th March, 2016 which found that the company has addressed the hygienic conditions of their factory as required by Malawi Standard 21".
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