20 Tips on How To Get Rid Of Boredom From Your Relationship.

20 Tips on How To Get Rid Of Boredom From Your Relationship.
Coupledom can be a fragile thing. There are threats everywhere, and even the strongest relationships need to be monitored and protected on a daily basis.

When you decide to stay with one person for the rest of your life, here are tips on how to prevent you from finding your spouse or your marriage boring.

1. Marry your best friend. Marry someone with whom the bond is more than romantic.

||READ: If You and Your Best Friend Fall Under These Categories You Should Definitely Get Married.

2. Marry someone who understands what you are passionate about and vice versa. Indifference will bring boredom.

3. Grow together intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Maintain the mental, emotional and spiritual stimulation.

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4. Talk About your Inner and Outer World. Relationship is all about sharing. And it is also about sharing the world you live in as well as sharing the world that lives within you. Tell your partner about your day, but also about your dreams, hopes, ambitions, fears, worries. Invite him or her into your world and join theirs.

5. Go on vacations together.
20 Tips on How To Get Rid Of Boredom From Your Relationship.
6. Both of you keep making effort to look good. Change your wardrobe from time to time for visual stimulation.
20 Tips on How To Get Rid Of Boredom From Your Relationship.
7. Share your Erotic Dreams with your Partner. S*x is a crucial part of a healthy relationship. And it is very often the first part where passion will go to sleep, and be replaced with routine and boredom. And eventually external stress will even kill that little rest of intimacy.
20 Tips on How To Get Rid Of Boredom From Your Relationship.
8. Play games together. Indoor and outdoor games. Jog together. Work out together.
20 Tips on How To Get Rid Of Boredom From Your Relationship.
9. Watch movies together. Comedy, romance, action, thriller.

10. Learn to Laugh again Together. Laughter is one of the best medicines in the world. Remember also that laughter is  one of the best ways to strengthen your bond with people. Make a plan to get more laughter into your life. Watch comedy movies, join a laughter class or yoga.

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11. Go for karaoke or dancing outside the home. Make funny, intimate, embarrassing memories.

12. Speak to the Left Eye. There is something very intimate about our eyes. They are called the windows to the soul, and looking into each other’s eyes is a very powerful way of opening up and letting your souls touch each other.

13. Experiment on foods at home. No eating the same old foods year after year.

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14. Plan parties and barbecue events at home where you call your friends and family. Being good hosts will make you two work as a team and drive monotony away.

15. Make over your bedroom or even the entire house after sometime. Keep changing your environment.

16. Do chores together. When you do things as a team, none feels over burdened, none feels disconnected.

17. Do competitive things. Support opposing football clubs or sports teams, compete in games. Compete in areas where you can keep scores and even have prizes. Winner gets some goodies.

18. Stop being uptight: have laughs, joke, sometimes tease each other in a loving way.

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19. Plan your Time. Don’t let another weekend slip by. Get out your lists, and remove any blocks of comfort.

20. Create Precious Moments of Passion. Passion does not come from the big gestures, but from tiny, special gestures full of awareness.
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