PHOTOS: Willy Paul's Ex Michelle Dyer Dating Comedian Fred Omondi.

Fred Omondi and Girlfriend Michele Dyer
Fred Omondi and Girlfriend Michelle Dyer.
KENYA: Kenyan Comedian Fred Omondi and Willy Paul's Ex Michelle have been the top discussion gossip online in Kenya over the weekend, this came after Michelle shared photos of the two.
||READ: Kenyan Comedian Eric Omondi Proposes To Italian Fiancée. (PHOTOS)

Many Kenyans have trolled Michelle for being a celebrity groupie girl who is dating them for the mula. However others have congratulated the duo wishing them a happy future.
PHOTOS: Willy Paul's Ex Michelle Dyer Dating Comedian Fred Omondi.

Michelle took to social media to clear the air for her haters and revealed that the photos were not false accusations and that there is indeed something between her and comedian Fred Omondi.

Michelle: We wish you a thousand years of happiness and success but it's our time...

A photo posted by Babez Love (@miss_miyer) on

Michelle: Good Night Grammers...wenye wivu ???
A photo posted by Babez Love (@miss_miyer) on

Michelle: My main...
A photo posted by Babez Love (@miss_miyer) on

PHOTOS: Willy Paul's Ex Michelle Dyer Dating Comedian Fred Omondi.

PHOTOS: Willy Paul's Ex Michelle Dyer Dating Comedian Fred Omondi.

PHOTOS: Willy Paul's Ex Michelle Dyer Dating Comedian Fred Omondi.

PHOTOS: Willy Paul's Ex Michelle Dyer Dating Comedian Fred Omondi.

If this is indeed her true love we wish her all the best in her new found love.
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