UN expert wants Malawi declared state of national disaster

Ikponwosa Ero
MALAWI: The United Nations (UN) independent expert on human rights and albinism Ikponwosa Ero has called on government to declare Malawi a state of national disaster following high cases of killing people with albinism.
READ: Malawi: Four Men Jailed For Being Found In Possession Of Albino Bones.
During her assessment visit Ikponwosa Ero said 65 cases of violence against people with albinism, including killings and dismemberment, have been recorded by police in Malawi since 2014.

Ero expressed concern that people with albinism live in danger in Malawi where their body parts are valued in witchcraft.

“People with albinism are an endangered group facing a risk of systemic extinction over time if nothing is done.

“Attacks against people with albinism are particularly brutal, we talk about protecting wildlife while not even prioritizing efforts in protecting people with albinism,” said Ero.
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Meanwhile, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation Executive director Timothy Mtambo has since backed the call to declare a national disaster following the killings of albino people.

However, Principal Secretary for Gender, Children and Community Development Mary Shawa said government is yet to react on the calls.
Source: Malawi24
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