Kenya's Celebrated Female Deejay, Dj Pierra Makena Gives Birth a Beautiful Baby

KENYA: "After 24hrs of labour July 20th at 1.45am Ricca Pokot God is great and kind WELCOME TO THE WORLD ANGEL" Dj Pierra posted on her Instagram page.

Ricca Pokot
Friends and family were quick to congratulate her for becoming a mother.

The celebrated female Dj has not yet revealed who the father to the new born is.

Earlier this year, Dj Pierra said that only her family members and close friends have met him in the four years they have dated.

Now that she is a mother we expect that she will be introducing him to the public.

Congratulations Dj Pierra Makena to the bundle of Joy Ricca.
Dj Pierra Makena baby Ricca Pokot
Dj Pierra Makena Gives Birth a Beautiful Baby
Pregnant Dj Pierra Makena.

Below is her Instagram Post...
A photo posted by Dj pierra (@pierramac) on

SOURCE: The African Post,
Image Source: Pierramac,
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