Radio Africa Journalist Arrested After Taking Pictures Of Margaret Kenyatta

KENYA: Radio Africa journalist was on Thursday, August 4, apprehended during a Beyond Zero event for taking pictures of the First Lady Margaret Kenyatta.

Radio Africa Journalist Arrested After Taking Pictures Of Margaret Kenyatta
The arrest led to an uproar by journalists covering the event, who marched out of the Hola stadium grounds.

The Star newspaper journalist who is based in Malindi, Alphonce Gari, was frogmarched to a van by the First Lady Margaret Kenyatta’s security detail after taking the pictures.

The other journalists, in a show of solidarity, followed suit by marching out of the Beyond Zero Tana River edition protesting the ill treatment on Gari.

They demanded his release following the arrest by a civilian officer, accusing the First Lady’s security team of high-handedness as they carried out their duties.

Gari was released following the protest and subsequent intervention by county officials present at the meeting.

First Lady Kenyatta was in Tana River county where she presided over the handing-over ceremony of the 44th fully-kitted‪ ‎Beyond Zero‬ mobile clinic to the county.

SOURCE: Zipo News, The African Post,
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